There are certain things you can do to improve your chances and look, online dating sites like Match, Match Affinity, Eharmony and Elite Singles are not cheap so what if you could have a little help to make sure you get those all important matches because the more choice you have, the more likely it is that you'll find your soulmate. As well as being a full-time professional photographer, I'm also a writer, I write for Huffington Post UK as well as my own site which gets around 30,000 hits a month.
20-minute online dating consultation where I'll help rewrite your profile for you and help you choose the best images for your profile. - £79, this is available worldwide and you can BUY IT NOW
30-minute in-person consultation where I'll help rewrite your profile and I'll shoot a great profile image for you, I'll also give you a couple of opening questions which are pretty much guaranteed to make you stand out for when you do get those all important matches. - £150, you must be in the Newcastle upon Tyne region to access this service. Email me to set up this session
60-minute in-person consultation, we'll sit down together, write your profile and then I'll shoot a plethora of images you can use, you can even have a change of outfit and I'll give you some questions you can ask to almost guarantee you'll get replies. - £250, you must be in the North of England to access this service.